My Mission

My Philosophy
In today world starting your own business is like being sold to investors. Here is how: You got an idea, seek funding, build the product, seek funding (round abcd) then start mass media advertising and hope that you will have profitable exist. I reject that kind way of doing a business. Here is mine: Start your own blog, share ideas, build audiences, sell an info product, bootstrap your business, don’t do IPO, focus on long-term instead of profitable exist. Now you must be thinking what about retirement and making money while sleep. That not my blog is about. I believe true entrepreneurs are those who take a risk on their own solder to create something extraordinary. Those are not true entrepreneurs who sold out to investors and become profit sucking machines. My philosophy is If you wanna be happy then seek fulfillment instead of a retainment plan and shortcut way to success. And, life fulfillment comes from doing actual work, not from restlessness.
My Biography
I was born and grown up in the small village of Bihar state of India. I come to Kolkata for higher education when I was 15 since than I am living here. My dream was to become a physicist as I love mathematics and physics. But, after 3 years of going to school in the city. I lost my interest in the pursuit of my career. The same year I started working as customer care exclusive in a call center. That was my first job and I was 18.
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I express my opinion openly. I do my best to provide relevant and practical content only for educational purposes. My content may contain errors, not complete information, and not accurate. Please do your own research, I take no responsibility for your action and wrongdoing.
Thank you
Araix Rand