This post will explain how to configure WordPress after installing a pre-built WordPress website with all landing page design. If you haven’t installed website yet; here is a brief introduction to installing WordPress prebuild website.

  1. Install WordPress on your server as you normally do. Make sure you use the wp_ prefix at the time of WordPress installation.
  2. Upload content to your web server and extract wp-content archive file (delete the previous wp-content folder)
  3. Import MySQL Database using PhpMyadmin. After import, your previous data will be replaced with new data.
  4. Change website URL, Username, Email, and User password in the database using PHPMyAdmin. Navigate to the wp_options and wp_users table inside your database.

Change Login Credential

When you import MySQL data, then your site details including username and password are changed. You can change your admin username and password through PhpMyAdmin. You have to use MD5 hashing instead of a clear password.

Go to and generate Md5 hash of your password, then paste this hash into your database password column.


Change Website Name and Tagline

When you have username and password, you need then login to your website by visiting Move to General setting and change the details of your website as per your website name and tagline.

Change Default Homepage

You will have 9 pages inside your WordPress website. Choose any page you need as per your funnel strategy campaign. You can do this by selecting the page you need through the Reading section inside WordPress Setting. After that, when some visit your website then they will see your desired page as a homepage of your website.

Change Landing Page Title

I have already talked about how to update a WordPress landing page. Your website will look better and may rank on search engine. You can optimize your landing page for SEO and get better page title (showed in the browser tab).

Go to Pages section from your WordPress dashboard and click on Edit. There you will find Yoast SEO Icon, click on that and change the details inside the popup.


Improve and change details in privacy and terms of use page

I have put some content inside Privacy page as an example. I created this privacy content using online tool You must change the details shown on Privacy and term of use pages. Simply search for and replace with your website URL. Do same for the company name and others.

Link privacy and terms of use page from landing page or mention in the footer section.

A better landing design and content is necessary on all PPC advertisement channel. You must have privacy and terms of use pages linked from your landing page. You can add this in the footer section of your landing page.

Don’t forget to check everything. You can also change the permalink of your website and use this prebuilt WordPress website from Blogging. If you still have any question feel free to post a reply. You can create a new account here.