Successful customer communication integration is key to a successful marketing campaign. This article will discuss what customer communication integration entails, its benefits, and how to use it successfully in your marketing efforts.

What is Customer Communication Integration?

Customer communication integration is a marketing strategy wherein all communication between the company and customers is integrated on one platform. That includes online channels like the website, social media accounts, company apps, email, and messaging. It also has offline channels like the physical store and kiosks.

That means the company can see all the communications sent by a customer at a glance. That includes email, the website, all the company’s social media accounts, and even customer complaint dropboxes in the store. The company can also track whatever responses the customer received or did not receive on each channel. That enables a more efficient and complete reply to the customer’s concerns.

This strategy is also referred to as omni-channel communication and omni-channel customer care.

Benefits of Customer Communication Integration

A 2013 study by Aberdeen Group Inc. found the following advantages of companies that implement customer communication integration or an omni-channel communication strategy:

  • Higher customer retention rate averaging 89% against 33% for those who did not implement the strategy
  • Higher annual revenue increase averaging 9.5% against 3.4% for those who did not implement the strategy
  • Higher yearly cost reduction of 7.5% per customer contact against 0.2% for those who did not implement the strategy

Now that we know what customer communication integration is and its advantages, here are the best practices for successful customer communication integration.

Implement Omni-Channel Integration

Of course, the first step is to integrate your channels into one central omnichannel communication platform. That way, you can have a complete view all the communications sent by a customer and easily track responses.

Various software platforms offer customer communication integration. Choose one that provides tight digital security in addition to other features.

Keep Your Channels Consistent and Updated

The first step to successful customer communication integration is to ensure that your company’s channels are consistent and updated with the latest information. Customers should be able to see that they’re dealing with a cohesive company that is on top of its communications.

Your website, social media accounts, email, messaging, and even store signage should all have the same info about your products, services, promotions, and events.

It’s also essential to maintain a consistent tone across all your company’s channels. The way you communicate with customers should be respectful, helpful, and friendly regardless of the medium.

Monitor and Quickly Respond to All Customer Communications

Ensure that all communications are monitored and responded to promptly. Customers should feel like their concerns are being heard and addressed promptly and efficiently.

Ensure that all staff responding to customers are trained in the company’s protocol so that the quality of service remains consistent. Quickly route communications to the appropriate customer service agents who can immediately act on the specific concern. The goal is always to resolve the customer’s concern as fast as possible with maximum satisfaction.

Provide Live Video Chat in Addition to Live Chat

Video chat is necessary when the customer needs to show the product for a quicker resolution of the issue. The customer is spared having to go to the physical store with the product.

A video chat also allows the customer service agent to better assess the issue. This is far superior to just asking the customer to send a photo of the product.

Providing video chat is a significant convenience that customers will appreciate.

Provide Customer Self-Service Options

Many customers prefer self-service options when they are merely seeking information. Provide this option through comprehensive FAQ pages, a knowledge base, and video tutorials.

Self-service options should be easy to find and use. They should be prominent on your company’s website and social media channels.

Consider using a chatbot to provide self-service options. Chatbots are increasingly being used by companies as they provide an efficient way to direct customers to the right information quickly.

Use AI for Automated Customer Service

In addition to chatbots, AI can also be used for automated customer service. AI can help you route customer communications more efficiently and effectively. It can also be used to generate automatic responses to customer inquiries.

When used correctly, AI can greatly improve the efficiency of your customer communication integration strategy.

Integrate Your Email and Marketing Communications

Your email communications should be integrated with your other marketing communications. That way, you can track customer interactions and tailor your messages accordingly.

Include in your email communications a call-to-action that encourages customers to follow you on social media or sign up for your newsletter.

Make it easy for customers to unsubscribe from your emails if they wish. Provide a clear and obvious link to do so.

By following these tips, you can successfully integrate your customer communication channels for more effective marketing.