WP Fastest Cache – Supercharge Your WordPress Website
SpeedUp your WordPress website loading time and optimize your image
WP Fastest Cache plugin is a best WordPress cache plugin to make your website load faster. It will also Improve SEO and conversion rate on your website. I have tried few other WordPress cache plugin like W3 Cache and Wp rocket but WP Fastest Cache is my best choice for WordPress website optimization. It is not like other plugins which have some downside like browser caching error, PHP related issue. WP Fastest Cache is simple and low-cost WordPress cache plugin.

WP Fastest Cache Option (Free Version)
- Desktop Cache: Your website will load faster on a desktop browser
- Mobile Cache: Mobile-friendly website caching
- Widget Cache: Your WordPress website widget will load faster
- Minify HTML: Remove unnecessary tag and HTML code
- Minify HTML Plus (Premium): An Extra boost to your HTML minify
- Minify CSS: Remove unnecessary CSS
- Minify CSS Plus (Premium)
- Combine CSS: Combine into one CSS file
- Minify JS: Remove Javascript code which is not in use
- Combine JS: combine all JavaScript files into one
- Combine JS Plus (Premium)
- Render Blocking JS
- GZIP: Faster content delivery and expiry time will boost your website load time
- Browser Caching
- Image Optimization
- Cache Statics
- Delete Cache Logs
- Database Cleanup
- Google Fonts Async
- Free for Lifetime with limited access
- Premium: 39.99$ One time payment (For lifetime updates), Extra credit required for Image optimization
- W3 Total Cache (Freemium)
- SG Optimizer (Free but only work with Siteground hosted website)
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