Podcast Marketing is different from all other marketing channels because it allows the target audience to connect with you and your product in a unique way. With the help of a podcast, you penetrate into the personal space of an individual.
According to research, people listen to podcasts on their laptops, mobile phones, iPods, car stereo systems, and MP3 devices. Just imagine how powerful the magical spell of the podcast is, plus, when you launch your own Podcasting app you will stay in touch with your prospective audience, even when they are not reading your blog, watching your YouTube video, or clicking on your affiliate marketing links.
Let’s have a look at the comparisons below:
Podcasts vs. YouTube:
I am a successful YouTuber, can I become a successful Podcaster?
Yes, you can!
Podcasting is certainly different from YouTube. Besides, we rarely hear or study cases of individuals who are doing both things right. This is why:
- Podcasting is completely different from YouTube. Although podcasts are sometimes made in a video format which looks and sounds similar to YouTube, the strategy used for podcast promotion and ranking is very different from YouTube.
- On YouTube, you have to open and operate your own channel.
- You will get clear cut statistics of how many views you are getting, as well as where the traffic originated. Podcasts, however, are published on apps and websites (e.g. iTunes, RSS, and Android apps).
- You can convert your YouTube videos into audio/video podcasts. Podcasts cost less than YouTube videos, and they are created easier and quicker than the same length YouTube videos.
- Podcasting covers a broader spectrum of the audience because it is on iTunes, is distributed through RSS, and is heard on the iOS (Operating system) as well as the Android App.
- You can sell your Podcasts.
- Audio podcasts are more popular than video podcasts and YouTube videos, website because they can be heard while on the go, carrying out a chore, and surfing the internet.
Podcasts vs. Blogging
Do You Know? The majority of people simply do not read your content beyond the topic and headlines. (Scary isn’t it?) How will you get to these people? How will you convey your message to this faction of customers?
The majority of people simply do not read your content beyond the topic and headlines. (Scary isn’t it?) How will you get to these people? How will you convey your message to this faction of customers?
The main difference between blogging and podcasting is that in blogging, people read your content, whereas, in podcasting, they hear what you want to convey. In both these Passive income ideas, content plays an important role. Here is how podcasts are different from blogging, and how you can earn more and get higher exposure with podcasts:
- To write a persuasive blog post you need a talent for writing. Whereas, nearly all of us can verbally express our emotions with the rise and fall of our voices, which makes podcasting a win-win situation.
- While writing, you can sometimes cross that fine line, and your post becomes embedded with too much advertising, without you even realizing it. Conversely, in podcasting, you can control what you say, and you can deliver a verbal message in a highly persuasive way.
- You can post your podcast as a blog post.
- With blogging, you can get the reader’s attention for around 3-5 minutes, and if the content is super cool, they can stay as long as 8-10 minutes and read a post of 1000+ words. On podcasts, however, you get the attention of your listeners for an average of 10 – 15 minutes, and if the listener really connects with your content, he or she can stay as long as 25 – 40 minutes (the average length of a podcast).

Is Podcasting the Best idea to Make Money?
There is no such thing as the, and best money-making Idea for Passive Income. Passive income is a strategy that comprises different tactics and techniques, and podcasting is definitely one of the best.
Why should you choose to podcast along with other money-making ideas?
Podcasting allows you to distribute your content on various platforms; you can use it on iTunes, mobile devices, websites, blogs; and as recorded radio broadcasts. Hence, they allow you to connect with your audience on a whole new extended level. Your connection with your customers will not end right after they are have come off their laptops. With podcasts on Android and iOS, you will become an integral part of their everyday life.
You can use podcasts as an effective marketing tool, especially when you are building your own brand. Podcasts could become your best friends while you are branding your Passive Income business.
Why You Should Use Podcasts to Make money
Whether you want to connect with the public or want to build a cyber-home base for marketing another person’s business, product, or service; or you are working on a greater plan of branding your own online business, podcasts can be the right tool to achieve the target/s.
As for as passive income is concerned, anyone who is seriously thinking of utilizing a reliable source of generating hundreds of dollars of steady income will never overlook the importance of Podcasting.
Determination, enthusiasm, and the right strategy are imperative for success. Here are the top five reasons why you must include podcasting in your list of passive income sources:
1. Get the Unexpected Visibility
With the help of Podcasts, you are able to enter a completely new world of passive income. Remember that blogs and affiliate and social media marketing are all content-oriented and that they require the target audience to “read” the content. On the other hand, podcasts are easier to understand as they are heard, and do not require a lot of visual effort.
When you upload a podcast on iTunes, you will get the attention of a completely new class of audience. If they like or believe in what you say, they will willingly follow you on other platforms, for example on your blog or social media accounts. And from there you can direct the traffic to your affiliate marketing campaign. See? This is how a comprehensive, inclusive, and well-integrated Passive Income Strategy is implemented!
2. Learn about the Popularity of Your Niche
Some people prefer reading blogs while others do not like spending hours hurting their eyes. Just open any of the podcasting apps, particularly those that belong to your niche, and you can see comments that are appreciating or depreciating. , is a sign that the business or the entrepreneur is making the right connections and is attracting the attention of his or her target audience. Furthermore, the number of downloads also indicates how successful the podcast is to the target audience.
Let’s put it like this: podcasting helps you realize two important things:
- Your popularity with your target audience
- The opportunity of attracting more of your target audience.
3. Build an Intimate Relation with Your Target Audience
People listen to podcasts with earphones, so with the help of a podcast you directly whisper into their ears; could it get better than this? None of the other marketing techniques build a more intimate relationship with the target audience than a podcast. Those who become regular listeners will make you a permanent part of their life; they will listen to you while doing work as well as while sitting idle, they will listen to you when iTunes. want advice, and even when they seek a companion.
Now it all depends on you how you plan to utilize such a precious space.
4. Re-Purpose Your Content
Being a blogger myself, I know that there are always some blog posts that we want to expand and re-purpose in a different way. For example, you may want to expand a Self Development blog post into a more comprehensive account of some historical background and practical suggestions to overcome common personality flaws.
Thus, a podcast is an excellent way to expand some of your old blog posts. We do not suggest that you to take all your blog posts and then read them out aloud like a school lesson. Instead, the content for re-purposing should be carefully chosen, some additional trimmings and additions should be made, and the recording should be of excellent quality.
5. Make Money Out of Your Podcasts
Pat Flynn of Passive Income Ideas and John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire are literally earning a four to five zero figure income from podcasting alone. You can earn your share by doing affiliate marketing, promoting your products and services, and following other strategies defined in detail later in this chapter.
Why Podcasting is Considered a Super Start Passive Income Source
1. Because it Allows You to Interact with the Audience for a Long Period of Time
Podcasts are normally 35 minutes to 1 hour in length. Nothing else: not a blog or social media post, nor an affiliate marketing link, will allow you to stay connected with your audience this long. Even YouTube videos cannot keep a listener/viewer stay connected with episodes as long as a Podcast.
This long time is an opportunity to both deliver great content in your mesmerizing voice and to monetize your podcast by recommending affiliate links or promoting your own services.
Besides, many of your listeners might turn into regular clients! Do You Know?
Pat Flynn of Passive Income Ideas landed a Hollywood project just because of his awesome Podcasts. Yes!! It can get this cool!
2. You can Turn podcasts into eBooks!
You can collect your top ten podcasts and turn them into an eBook. You can either sell this eBook or use it as an affiliate program. As if earning directly from Podcasts isn’t enough!
3. It Does Not Create a Dent in Your Budget
Myth: You need a sophisticated system to create a podcast or else it won’t get accepted by iTunes, neither will it attract the attention of the listeners.
Reality: To make a podcast you do need a modern microphone and recording system; however, you do not need to spend hundreds of dollars or get a sophisticated system like an FM radio station! The product should convey clean signals, and that is all you need.
4. You can Sell Your Podcast
If you can promote other people’s products and services through your podcast, why not promote and sell your own podcasts? Apart from earning money, this will also help you establish your own brand.
Is Podcasting an Expensive Endeavor?
Whenever an online novice entrepreneur thinks of making his or her own podcasts, several myths and discouragements are issued to scare and disappoint. But just consider this: if podcasting was as expensive as propagated by some apologists, it wouldn’t have been one of the most popular features of Passive Incomes.
Let us show you some of the myths associated with Podcasting and their reality check.
1. Myth: Podcasting is very expensive; you need to invest $1000+
Reality Check: Today, making a podcast is as easy as creating a video or audio recording on your mobile phone. Smartphones, computer software, and podcast hosting websites have made the life of a novice podcaster much easier.
2. Myth: You have to spend 20+ hours to make a professional Podcast
Reality Check: Time is the most expensive commodity, and we will never suggest you spend an entire day on making, producing, recording, editing, and distributing your podcast. All this is now done in just one click: log on to a website, register your account, upload your podcast, and there you go!
3. Myth: Only amateur and inexperienced Podcasters use Podcast Hosting websites
Reality Check: This is simply absurd. You need to realize that today the chances of success are higher for those who work smart; hard work is nothing without smart thinking, pardon me for this! Veteran internet entrepreneurs use these smart and quick tools for making and uploading podcasts. In fact, they are smarter than the rest of the propaganda machinery, which is why they are already making thousands of dollars; and trust me on this; soon you are going to be one of them!
4. Myth: You have to pay more $$s for the number of your listeners grows.
This is because of the increased bandwidth and storage space that your podcasts will occupy on hosting websites.
Reality Check: I mean seriously? This one myth makes my mind dizzy. In this age when everything is on the cloud, and the competition between the service providers is cutthroat, will the host website risk its reputation and lose out to the competition just because of bandwidth and storage space? You have got better options than this; trust me and keep reading.
5. Myth: You can only make big in Podcasting if you have got reliable Sponsors
Reality Check: You are very lucky if you are able to attract some good sponsors; however, it is definitely not a sign of success. Neither is it mandatory to do in order to achieve it. And who knows, someday you might get the attention of sponsors if the quality of your podcasts is impressive enough! Be positive my friend.
Why Podcasting is Not Expensive
Podcasting is not very expensive; actually, it may cost you nothing if you have registered your account on a good website.
Mostly, new podcasters are worried about the sound quality of their podcasts, and for this reason, they try to choose the best sound recording equipment.
However, in reality, you can get the best quality sound equipment for under $250. The good news is that you can use your smartphone to record, edit and upload your podcast. Websites like Talkcast allow you to podcast anywhere, anytime.
Therefore, there is no need to create a separate recording room. You can do fairly well while on the go, why waste time and space?
Can I Outsource Podcast Creation?
Outsourcing is less doing, more living; therefore, I have always been too eager on outsourcing some of my tasks while doing the most challenging parts myself.
In the case of making Podcasts, YES you can outsource the work to a freelancer on oDesk.
However, before jumping to the happy conclusion of someone else doing your work, you must keep in mind the following:
- Podcasting is not a one-step endeavour; it’s a gradual process involving many steps and many technical details. Therefore, before you outsource your work to someone else, you must do all the research yourself. Remember, if you are not a master of the field, you might not be able to pinpoint alleged mistakes present in the work submitted by the freelancer.
- Discuss the project in detail with the freelancer that you choose. Tell him or her your vision about the niche; also, you must suggest tools and equipment that should be used in creating it.
- Indulge in detailed discussion sessions with the freelancer; ask him or her to do SEO keyword research before writing the content.
- Discuss in advance which part will be done by the freelancer, and which part you will be doing yourself.
- Ask for revisions if needed.
How to Make Money with the Help of Podcast
Podcasting has become a lucrative business; just look at how celebrities are using it to connect with their fans. Buy now let us introduce you to some of the tried and tested ways of making money with Podcasts.
- Most of the podcasters mention special products, services, and companies in their podcasts. For example, in a Learn English Language podcast, you might hear about an app that can help you increase your spoken language fluency. The Podcasters then charge the respective company mentioned in the podcast and make money from it.
- Podcasts often contain affiliate links and product recommendations. In fact, a podcast is an excellent tool to promote Blogging and Affiliate Marketing.
- As a podcaster, you can also promote your own services and products in your podcast.
The Business Out of Podcast Directories
We already know that podcasting is an amazing way to attract the attention of an audience that you will not find anywhere else. However, the phrase “Podcast Directories” may be new for some readers. Let’s put it like this: you have created your podcast, and now you are searching for a place where you can get the attention of your target audience, what will you do?
One possible solution is to post the podcast on your blog/website, follow all the SEO, social media, and other Internet marketing techniques, and get the attention of the listeners. But, what if I tell you that you can actually get the attention of millions of enthusiast podcast listeners without investing much of your time?
What are Podcast Directories?
Podcast Directories are just like articles directories (Ezine, HubPages, etc.). They contain podcasts on almost all niches, whereas other directories put emphasis on particular niches while restricting others.
How Podcast Directories Charge? All Podcast Directories charge differently, however, the following gives a lump sum plan.
- Charge for Storage and Bandwidth
- Charge only for Storage
- Charge only for Bandwidth
- Unlimited Bandwidth and Storage on Monthly Payment Model
- Unlimited Hosting Opportunities
Pros/Cons of Podcast Directories
Let’s have a look at how these Podcast Directories are helpful for a beginner and why you should use them. When the podcasts refer the visitor back to your website/blog you will get extra attention. The traffic that comes to Podcast Directories is completely different from the traffic that you attract through other platforms. There are greater chances of the visitor noticing other content presents on your website; this could be blog posts, videos, affiliate links, etc.
Con: There are hundreds of podcasts uploaded on websites every hour, so it might be a little tricky to get the attention of visitors. However, helpful, authentic podcasts with good content always get their due share.
Podcast Directories rank higher on search engines. Therefore, the website that is linked to these directories will also go up on the page rankings. The results could be amazing if you get your podcast launched on a website with a Google page ranking ranging between 6-4!
Con: In order to achieve this you need to do accurate keyword research.
Otherwise, inappropriate keywords will not do any good. Getting your podcast listed in a directory such as iTunes, seriously impresses new visitors, and earns you a good rank on search engines.
Con: You might have to fulfill certain criteria before submitting your podcast with one of the big podcast directories. Some Directories ask you to have at least 2 – 7 podcasts already up on your blog, and so on.
Self Publishing Podcasts: Pros and Cons
Self-published podcasts allow you to bring your podcasts out in the market yourself, without messing your head up with any third parties. Here are some of the features; pros and cons of self-publishing your podcasts.
You get full control of the writing, production, recording, editing, publishing, and royalty package; you don’t need to contact any third party and amend your plans and actions according to them.
Con: As a beginner, you might get confused at various stages. Therefore, it is sometimes a good idea to get help from specialized people, to keep the process smoothly flowing. You can outsource work to a freelancer and get your podcast published.
You can use WordPress for publishing your podcasts.
Con: As a beginner, you might face difficulties in getting registered on a prestigious website like iTunes. This can jeopardize your reputation, as association with iTunes and all the other similar web directories do not just promise new traffic and extra exposure, it also ensures you secure a place on top of the search engine rankings.
How to Make a Podcast
Let’s start making your own podcast with the help of an easy step-by-step tutorial.
Step 1: Preparations before Starting
Before you start making a podcast make sure that you have done the following things:
- You have smartly chosen a title for your podcast.
- You have chosen your Host Name: i.e. Johns Waters, Writer, Self-Publisher, and Online Entrepreneur. This will be used in Podcast Directories.
- A summary of your podcast. Remember that major Podcast Directories will ask you to submit a summary along with your podcasts. Besides, this summary will appear on search engines as well as iTunes.
Therefore, the summary should convey the gist of the podcast, and be short and to the point.
Step 2: The Equipment
- Get a Microphone to record your Podcast.
- You can use Amazon to purchase ones under $100. Download “Audacity”; the software used for recording podcasts without complicated processes.
- Download a LAME file to convert your podcast to an MP3 file.
Step 3: Produce Content for the Podcast
- The content of the podcast must be original and unique.
- It must be SEO optimized.
- You can outsource writing tasks to an UpWork freelancer.
Step 4: Upload Podcast on a Hosting Website
Libsyn is a great platform to upload your podcast. To have a look at the services offered.
Step 5: Adding Podcast to iTunes
Here is the link to the process of adding your podcast to iTunes.
Note that iTunes cannot be used to create Podcasts; however, you can use it to convert podcasts into the file format for all Apple devices.